A sculptural vision
Caroline Winn has been making, exhibiting and teaching ceramics for over 25 years, working from studios by the Thames in London and in West Cornwall.
Her distinctive ceramics reflect a continually evolving and experimental process based on the complex interaction of multiple clays, highly textured glazes and the distorting effect of heat. They range from semi-figurative to abstract organic forms and span large outdoor sculptures to smaller domestic pieces.
A common theme in her work is the natural environment and the ambivalent state of materials, exemplified by her latest series of pieces based on salt - a vital commodity for life whose state is constantly shifting. Her ceramics aim to challenge preconceptions, provoke thought and encourage the viewer to draw their own personal interpretation.
Caroline's work is found in public and private collections across the UK and internationally, and has been shown in galleries and sculpture parks in Cornwall and London.

Creative process
Caroline's unique ceramics are the outcome of a constantly evolving process of intuition and experimentation. Drawing on a wide range of materials and methods - and often pushing traditional boundaries of sculptural ceramics - her work reflects themes such as memory, traces of the past and the natural world. Projects she has undertaken include stoneware cloud forms, totem-like tidal markers and porcelain and paperclay sculptures combined with crystalline salt.
Caroline works with a wide range of materials, predominantly black and white stoneware, porcelain and paperclays. ​She fires each piece up to four times, using both gas and electric kilns, as well as smoke, salt and saggar firings. She layers slips, oxides and glazes and uses the heatwork of the kiln to produce sculptural ceramics that intrigue and engage.

Caroline frequently produces sculptures that are specially commissioned, working in close dialogue with the client during the creative process.
Pieces can be produced for both indoor and outdoor display, to suit specific sites, and can be installed with customised plinths and stands.
All work outside is fully frost-proof.